What Do You Want?

What do you want? This is such a simple question, yet one that can be so hard to answer, especially in the erotic realm.

What do you want? This question emerges in all arenas of our life – from the biggest picture questions about family, career and lifestyle to the micro moments of everyday life.

How easy is it for you to answer the question “What Do You Want?” How do you take space from all the “musts” and “shoulds” in life in order to create enough space to even ask this question?

In this episode we explore how to play with this question “What do you want” in order to start feeling into your embodied truths about your life. We share a simple (but not easy) process of paying attention to your body while actively fantasizing in order to access your embodied wisdom and knowledge to help you understand what you really want.

The process of tuning into your embodied knowledge is a lifelong process and one that takes practice – but here’s a quick introduction to how we can bring our body into the conversation when we sit with the question “What Do You Want?”

Use the comments section here to share your thoughts, questions and experiences about this simple yet endlessly confounding  question: What Do You Want?

Full podcast notes and transcript here: https://www.pleasuremechanics.com/what-do-you-want/